Medicare Annual Enrollment! What Do I Do?

Medicare Annual Enrollment! What Do I Do?

Medicare Annual Enrollment! What Do I Do? Dear Toni, This is my first Medicare Annual Enrollment and I don't know anything about this process? Which program is good, and which one is not? I do have...

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9 Medicare Facts  Baby Boomer Should Know

9 Medicare Facts Baby Boomer Should Know

Toni: I am a confused Baby Boomer who needs to make my Medicare decision in November 2019 when I turn 65.  I do not know where to start or what to do? Can you please help simplify this ordeal? ...

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Medicare Supplement Increase?

Medicare Supplement Increase?

Dear Toni: I recently received a 15% renewal increase starting in September for my Medicare Supplement. Every year, the plans seems to go up a little, but not as much as this year. I’m a 68-year-old...

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What Is Your Emergency Survival Plan?

What Is Your Emergency Survival Plan?

Toni: We are new to the Houston area and Hurricane Harvey absolutely stressed my wife because her 89-year-old mother is living in an assisted living facility and we live over 15 miles away from her....

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ABBS is not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Social Security Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This website contains basic information about Medicare and Social Security, services related to Medicare and Social Security and services for people with Medicare and Social Security. If you would like to find more information about the Federal Government’s Medicare and Social Security programs, please visit the official U.S. Government’s Site for people with Medicare located at or

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