Does Medicare Cover “Expensive” Injections in Doctor’s Office?
Does Medicare Cover “Expensive” Injections in Doctor’s Office? Toni: I have been laid off this week with my current employer’s benefits ending August 31. I turn 65 in August and will be enrolling...
What is a Retiree HRA Account?
What is a Retiree HRA Account? Hi Toni: My husband is an oil company retiree and two weeks ago, we received a letter stating that his employer is terminating all Medicare eligible retirees Aetna and...
Baby Boomers Stressed Out Trying to Understand Medicare??
Baby Boomers Stressed Out Trying to Understand Medicare?? Toni: I am a confused Baby Boomer who needs to make my Medicare decision this October when I turn 65. I am currently on an individual...
Why is My Medicare Part B Premium Over $400 Monthly…I Was Laid Off!
Why is My Medicare Part B Premium Over $400 Monthly…I Was Laid Off! Dear Toni: Been reading your articles regarding COVID-19, being laid off, and enrolling in Medicare properly. I have not...
Telehealth or House Call Doctor Visits Due to COVID-19 Stress!
Telehealth or House Call Doctor Visits Due to COVID-19 Stress! Toni: My 86-year-old mother with Alzheimer’s needs 24-hour care and lives in a personal care home. She is enrolled in a Medicare...
Doctor’s Advice…Get Traditional Medicare…What’s That?
Doctor’s Advice…Get Traditional Medicare…What’s That? Good Morning Toni: Have been reading your column for over a year and now I need some Medicare help. I am retiring and turning 65 in...
Enrolled in Medicare…Now I Can’t Fund My HSA!
Enrolled in Medicare…Now I Can’t Fund My HSA! Reader Alert: Toni turned 65 on Wednesday, May 20th and has now joined the maze of Medicare. She will discuss what Medicare issues she meets in the...
Starting Medicare…Why Is Part B Costing $578?
Starting Medicare…Why Is Part B Costing $578? Toni: My Medicare begins June 1st and I have received my first bill which is $578.40 with the premium due by May 25th. I do not see this Medicare cost...
Have an Emergency Survival Plan in Place Due To COVID-19?
Have an Emergency Survival Plan in Place Due To COVID-19? Toni: We are new to the Houston area and Hurricane Harvey absolutely stressed my wife, Joy, to almost having a nervous breakdown. In...
Does A Medicare Supplement Have A PPO Network?
Does A Medicare Supplement Have A PPO Network? Dear Toni: I am turning 65 in July and my husband is retiring January 2021. Both of us are covered by his company health plan. I am being bombarded by...
ABBS is not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Social Security Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This website contains basic information about Medicare and Social Security, services related to Medicare and Social Security and services for people with Medicare and Social Security. If you would like to find more information about the Federal Government’s Medicare and Social Security programs, please visit the official U.S. Government’s Site for people with Medicare located at or