Mom…Didn’t Enroll in Part D…Help!
Dear Toni: I have been told that Medicare does not cover drugs when you are in an emergency room? My mother went in the hospital from the ER for 2 days and because it was considered “under...
Frequently Asked Toni Says® Medicare Questions
2017 has been a great year and thank you from Toni Says® team for allowing us to help you navigate the maze of Medicare. “What if” I did not enroll in Medicare Parts A and B when I should...
Why Is My 2018 Social Security Check Only Increased by $2?
Toni: In November, you wrote that there was not an increase in the 2018 Part B premium. I have not seen an increase in the last 2 years, and $109 Part B premium has been deducted from my Social...
Did Medicare Call Mom Or Was This Fraud?
Hello Toni: Yesterday, a representative from Medicare called my mother asking all types of personal questions to register her for the new Medicare card which is coming in mid-2018. I just happened...
ABBS is not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Social Security Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This website contains basic information about Medicare and Social Security, services related to Medicare and Social Security and services for people with Medicare and Social Security. If you would like to find more information about the Federal Government’s Medicare and Social Security programs, please visit the official U.S. Government’s Site for people with Medicare located at or